Mercury Infocard

Mercury Infocard


Radius 1516 Miles (2440 Km)

Diameter 3032 Miles (4880 Km)

Mass 0..055 Earth masses

Distance Average is 0.4 AU [Astronomical Units] away from the Sun

Temperature Day: 800 °F / Night: -290 ° F

Orbital Period Year: 88 Earth days

Rotation Period Day: 59 Earth days

Obliquity Axial tilt of 0.032 degrees from its own plane or equator*

Orbital Inclination 7 degrees from the ecliptic [Earth’s orbital plane]

Moons 0 / Zero / It does not have any known moons.

Atmosphere None / Exosphere [vacuum] with traces of sodium, magnesium, oxygen


Still grab from animation by J.J. Del Mar


Planet Mercury Crescent Animation | Rediscovered Astronomy



Thanks to JJ Del Mar for his contribution to this page.

© Rediscovered Astronomy